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Honoring Motherhood: A Special Mother’s Day Service at Believe Church LA with Pastor Adrian



Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate and honor the incredible women who have played a pivotal role in our lives. On May 14th, 2023, Believe Church LA held a special Mother’s Day service that touched the hearts of all attendees. Pastor Aaron and Adrian Lindsey led the congregation in a memorable and uplifting worship experience, filled with gratitude and love for mothers.

The service began with the usual worship, as the church gathered together in praise and adoration. The atmosphere was filled with joy and anticipation as Pastor Adrian and Pastor Aaron took the stage. They began by introducing the parents of the children who were officially presented and dedicated to the church, emphasizing the importance of family and community.

The pastors’ associates joined them on stage to share announcements about the upcoming Discovery Track 2023, an online event aimed at deepening the spiritual journey of the congregation. The anticipation for this special event created an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation among the attendees.

As the service continued, Pastor Aaron stepped forward to extend heartfelt Mother’s Day wishes to all the mothers present. The church surprised the mothers by presenting them with roses as a symbol of appreciation for their love, sacrifice, and dedication.

Finally, Pastor Aaron announced that Pastor Adrian would deliver the sermon for the day. Pastor Adrian began her sermon by honoring all the mothers in the congregation. She introduced her own family, including her husband, Pastor Aaron, and their three children, as well as her mother, highlighting the importance of family connections.

To engage the congregation, Pastor Adrian asked a thought-provoking question: “What kind of mother do you have?” She shared amusing anecdotes about the funny abbreviations mothers use on social media, bringing laughter and lightheartedness to the service.

Drawing from the Word of the day, Pastor Adrian focused on Proverbs 31:26-27, emphasizing the importance of wise and kind words in our relationships with our families. She reminded the congregation that mothers have a unique ability to recognize their children’s emotions simply by listening to their voices. Their love and understanding go beyond words.

Pastor Adrian then referenced Psalm 121:7-8, highlighting the comforting presence of God in protecting and watching over our lives. She emphasized the irreplaceable value of a mother’s touch, acknowledging the care and attention they provide in every aspect of their households.

Quoting Proverbs 31:31 and Deuteronomy 5:16, Pastor Adrian stressed the significance of honoring and respecting our parents. She encouraged mothers to be mindful of their words and actions, understanding that they have the power to shape their children’s lives. By relying on God’s grace, mothers can navigate the challenges of parenting with love and patience.

Pastor Adrian urged the congregation not to let trauma and trouble take center stage in their lives. Instead, she emphasized the importance of focusing on positive things, shielding children from unnecessary anxiety. With unwavering faith in God’s protection, Pastor Adrian encouraged everyone to trust in His control over their lives.

In closing, Pastor Adrian expressed gratitude to all the mothers in attendance, thanking them for sharing their Mother’s Day with Believe Church LA. Pastor Aaron joined the stage for the final announcement, informing the congregation that the following Sunday would be an online service only, allowing for continued spiritual connection and growth.

With heartfelt prayers from Pastor Adrian and Pastor Aaron, the service concluded, leaving the congregation inspired and filled with appreciation for the incredible role of mothers in their lives.